Each one of us has our own personal story that is seen being told through our physical body, our chosen lifestyle, developed habits and postural alignment. Our own intimate observation evolves us towards an undoing of all that is falsely blocking us from soul-full living.

We can tap into the qualities for our soul purpose and program the bio- circuitry of the body through physical posturing and movement. This discovery allows for a celebration of who we are. We can make both conscious choices for healthy balanced living and realign to create healthy self cords for ourselves. (the term Self Cord can also be looked upon as a definition of Yoga- union)

The dynamic sequences
and the static postures (held for a length of time) of Natures Rhythm yoga are based on the alignment of our whole being to the universal matrix that we are intimately part of.

Natures Rhythm yoga takes into account aspects such as:
- The Moon and its position for that day
- Mind and body detoxification
- Static and flowing and improvised movement
- The grounding of our creative light
- The fine tuning of the chakras using seed sounds and mantra
- The reconnecting resonance of Sacred Sound harmonic tubes
- Sacred silence. Meditation
And, the practice of Yoga Nidra which has been devised to bring into fruition the fullest expression of our unlimited potential.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Egypt Retreat 24-30 October 2010

In October I'll be teaching a retreat in Egypt with sound healer Ashera Hart of UniPhi and I would love to share the information with you... Do feel free to contact me and ask questions about it...

UniPhi Yoga is a new innovative type of yoga which incorporates the use of the sacred sonic codes of the Zobet (solfeggio) together with the power of your own voice whilst practicing yoga to help take your body to a deeper level of unification within, all you need is the willingness to release old patterns and habits and be open to embodying the light/God self that you are. (your I AM presence)

The retreat will take place in South Sinai, Dahab, Egypt. There are many beautiful places to visit and with the Ancient Mysteries incorporated, it will be both an Enriching and Inspiring Experience. Egypt is known to be the throat chakra of our planet and working with sound and yoga in this part of the Earth will serve to reconnect any areas that have been disconnected, for our planet also, it is by no coincidence that more and more people are travelling and teaching in these Ancient places these days. Together we are bringing ourselves and our planet back to wholeness, completion, openness and unified as one tribe/family.

We will be working with the frequencies of 396 hz, 528hz and 111Hz incorporating the elements and chakra balancing energy work required to shift blockages, to transmute and harmonise and heal at a very deep cellular DNA level. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit/Consciousness unite to become Oneness...

In the process we learn to live consciously and in harmony, embodying the essence of each part of our being to regain balance and with a deep understanding, we accept the past and the dual polarity existence so that we can relate to others in a more authentic and truthful way and receive the love that is available for us on this Human journey.

The week-long UniPhi yoga retreat has been created to take you on a journey of self discovery and bring profound insights to deepen your essence and your relationship with yourself and others. The practice is designed to take us closer to the truth that connects us together and can heal us on a collective level.

The UniPhi Egypt retreat - link for further details www.infin8space.com/Egypt retreat

I am so looking forward to sharing this sacred retreat with you, and on the Wednesday we will have a Heart connection experience with the Dolphins and on Friday we will stay in the Desert, Bedouin-style and Ashera will take us through a light body and pineal activation using 528Hz, 396 and 111hz.
The whole week will be transformational and expansive and we will celebrate our lives and our relationships with abundance!
- It is so exciting to be working in this way now!
There will be the chance to bathe in the healing frequencies of sound healing chimes and have a group tuning fork attunement too.
There will also be delicious vegetarian food and lots of laughter. And there will be plenty of time for you to explore the surrounding area of South Sinai, Egypt.

The cost of the week is £396 and includes all practice, breakfast, yoga mats, desert trip and accommodation. Rooms are en-suite and the price is based on two sharing a twin room. Single rooms are also available upon request (at an additional cost)

UniPhi yoga empowering and awakening you to self mastery.
The power is within you!

Friday, 6 August 2010

UniPhi Yoga at the Festival of Life

Andrea and Ashera will be leading a short intro class at 4pm on the main stage at Festival of Life on 25 September 2010.

More information on the festival here and for the summary of talks go here.