Each one of us has our own personal story that is seen being told through our physical body, our chosen lifestyle, developed habits and postural alignment. Our own intimate observation evolves us towards an undoing of all that is falsely blocking us from soul-full living.

We can tap into the qualities for our soul purpose and program the bio- circuitry of the body through physical posturing and movement. This discovery allows for a celebration of who we are. We can make both conscious choices for healthy balanced living and realign to create healthy self cords for ourselves. (the term Self Cord can also be looked upon as a definition of Yoga- union)

The dynamic sequences
and the static postures (held for a length of time) of Natures Rhythm yoga are based on the alignment of our whole being to the universal matrix that we are intimately part of.

Natures Rhythm yoga takes into account aspects such as:
- The Moon and its position for that day
- Mind and body detoxification
- Static and flowing and improvised movement
- The grounding of our creative light
- The fine tuning of the chakras using seed sounds and mantra
- The reconnecting resonance of Sacred Sound harmonic tubes
- Sacred silence. Meditation
And, the practice of Yoga Nidra which has been devised to bring into fruition the fullest expression of our unlimited potential.

Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy 2011...

You can wipe the slate clean, focus upon what you really want in your life and chart your course like you do this time every year...Or You can give thanks that your life is what it is and that you are ready to receive what you know is already yours in spirit, by divine law.. Let yourself be guided by the Universe via your impulses and instincts that inspire you to take action. Get busy without getting caught on how it will come to pass..and just know the end result is already yours!!!


Happy 2011 New Dawn, New Era, New World

Monday, 20 December 2010

December 21 2010 - A Golden window of opportunity to manifest our light

Some say this is the end of the Mayan calender and not Winter solstice 2012 the effects of the December 21 Lunar eclipse will continue to go on for 3 months and the Sun eclipse we had in November effects last for about 3 years!!!

Tonight I will be chanting from 9 p.m - 11 p.m (GMT) and then again from 5 a.m

Connecting earlier between say 5 - 7 a.m ensures that we can be still in the totality of existence at the time it actually occurs at 8.14 a.m (GMT)(12.14 p.m PST) until it ends 3 hrs later - during that window of time leading up to and beyond is when I will listen to the Children of the Sun meditation download here http://www.childrenofthesun.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=306:the-solstice-2010-initiation&catid=39:hallofrecords and chant the names of the Goddess - Lalita Sahasranama.

I have been looking at the reasearch about the circadian cycle for the purpose of getting my pineal into optimum health (....more soon)
I also discovered that 11.04 a.m (GMT) is when the Eclipse officially ends. That is the time that the Moon moves from Gemini into Cancer and reveals what needs to be transformed. Its not till 11.40 p.m (GMT) that the new light supreme is born...\o/ YES!!!!

Also let's look to our dreams tonight to bring us guidance for the coming year. The seeds of intentions of what we wish to manifest are waiting for us to tend to them. We can do a ritual to ground those intentions on this December 21st, by setting our intentions into two stones or crystals of our choice, then plant one in the soil (in the garden or a plant in your home) and the other place somewhere visible for daily remembrance.

Set your Intention and know it's already happening!... The river of change is inevitable so lets welcome it with joy and eyes and arms wide open!

I would love to hear of your plans for this auspicious moment in time - the darkest moments offer an opening to call in even more Light - so let's do it - Light your candles, have a fire ceremony(puja), and most of all feel the Sunshine from within no matter what is happening out there... Divine Love!!!

Happy Solstice!!!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Dissolving with - Bija, Chakra and the Goddess

Locating the seven chakra's, knowing their basic attributes of colour, element, and psychological associations for energy work is essential. Meditating on these points and chanting can be practised in order to free up the energy flow within, which brings results externally. The process of chanting itself shakes up the held patterns of energy and reshapes them to their higher possibility.

These chakras are visualized and struck with the seed sound of the bija mantra in order from the base of the tail bone upwards to the top of the head.
Chant each of these in order, drawing your mind to each chakra, striking the chakra with the mantra:

As your concentration gets better, think of each Goddess at each chakra and dissolve the chakras into each other until they dissolve at the crown.
So,you can dissolve Earth into Water (root chakra to sex chakra), Water into Fire, Fire into Air, Air into Space, Space into Mind and Mind into the Cosmic realm.

1. Root chakra - mantra “KREEM” - this mantra is the sound which creates electricity and transformation.
It is the seed sound for the Goddess Kali, who is the personification of Kundalini, hence placing this mantra at the tail bone stimulates this higher, transformational prana to activate. Kali is TIME and rules over the dissolution of matter back to energy (death) as well as the destruction of illusion. When chanted at the root chakra, this mantra also helps us to understand what true security is - inside the Self!

2. Sex chakra - mantra “KLEEM” - this mantra is sticky, in that it holds things in it’s place, and attracts to itself. It is the energy of attraction, beauty, creativity, and love. Connected with the Goddess, Tripura Sundari who symbolises a pacified crown chakra grants us the experience of beauty and truth from within. It can also be used for Lord Krishna, and any deity or thing we wish to pull towards us. As the sex chakra is concerned with creativity and love, awakening the higher side of this chakra with this mantra, we become a source of love and creativity, without the need to manipulate others to satisfy us.

3. Navel chakra - mantra “HOOM” or “DOOM” as you can hear these two mantras both employ the long U sound, which has a similar effect of protection. Chant HOOM, with a short U sound, emphasizing the exhale and you will feel the navel contract; this is where the navel chakra is. HOOM is specific for Agni or FIRE. DOOM is specific for the Goddess Durga who is sought for protection. These mantras increase intensity and heat, which is a good thing especially for the digestive strength. The higher notion of this chakras meaning of power is the expression of a quiet power that does not need violence to attain it’s ends. Instead, true power is when all things are given freely to us without request or struggle.

4. Heart chakra - mantra “HREEM” - This mantra is like "OM" but for the Goddess, and connects you magically at a heart level to the Supreme, or, any other deity or thing we wish to get closer to. This is one of the most important mantras and has positive effects upon the physical heart as well as the energetic heart. The higher aspect of the heart chakra is to let the expression of love become unconditional and the direct perception of the air element.

5. Throat chakra - mantra “AYM” (like AIIIIM) - chant this mantra for wisdom, higher learning, teaching ability, and the gift of convincing speech. Connected with the Goddess Saraswati, this mantra is the most important mantra after OM.

6. Third eye - mantra “SHREEM” - Lately I have been talking about SOMA, and the bindu chakra at the back of the head. The mantra SHREEM brings about beauty, devotion, abundance, softness, and can be used to take refuge in whatever deity we choose. SHREEM is connected to the goddess Lakshmi, who’s two lower arms dispense tangible wealth, and who’s two upper arms hold lotuses, the abundance in spirit, the SOMA we yogis are seeking.

7. Crown chakra - mantra “OM” - liberation, going beyond all form. When you chant OM, bring your mind to stillness after the sound has finished, which takes your mind to the pure stillness within.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Amma in London 2010

Date: Tues 16 - Wed 17 November
Venue: Alexandra Palace, Wood Green, London N22 7AY

(Tokens* will be issued one hour before the start of each programme, there is no charge for darshan, further details below).
Tuesday 16 November
10am to 2.30 pm (Tokens* at 9 am or one hour before start of program)
7.30 pm (Tokens* at 6.30pm)

Wednesday 17 November
10am to 2pm (Tokens* at 9am)
7pm Spiritual talk, Puja, meditation and Devi Bhava darshan until early morning (Tokens* at 6pm)

*Everyone needs a token, including infants. Only one token per person.

More Info Subject to change please check for changes on http://www.amma.org.uk/ammas-tour.htm or http://www.amma-europe.org/ammas-tour.html

Thursday, 11 November 2010

11:11... Where will you be placing your focus today?

11.11.2010... More and more people are aligning themselves with the shift that's taking place on our planet right now. This time next year there will be thousands more awakened minds, and the years leading up to 11.11.11 can be seen as the years leading up to the rememberence of how powerful we truely are as co-creators.

I know everything is possible for the open mind, and we all have the potential to be this openess for our radiant energy to flow freely to every part of our being.
The Sacred healing sounds of the Solfeggio and being out in nature (for grounding and releasing) being fully present in this moment are my point of focus for the coming days.

Enjoy these links here for different perspective on how we can use sound as a key to the inner guidance of our heart, it's a much healthier way for our world, and today is the perfect day to open up to this.

Happy 11.11 with intentions for the highest good for each evolving soul and for our Mother Earth. ~Andrea Tteja


The Mission of i528Tunes.com is to EVOLve and heal you and our planet musically. 528Hz is revolutionizing the music industry and restoring humanity's original spirituality (by playing and broadcasting the principle primordial frequency of creation "528/LOVE.") By listening, performing, and recording in the "Key of LOVE" (528Hz), you too can engage this awesome transformation. And every time you do, it not only helps you, but like waves radiating out from a pebble thrown into a pond, your 528 musical energy reaches the farthest shores.

Developing a Deeper Understanding

Learn why standard tuning (A=440Hz) is an unhealthy, spiritually-degrading, imposition.

Learn why 528Hz, the "MI" or MIracle frequency" (of the original Solfeggio musical scale) is most preferred by nature and masterful musicians, especially for healing and Spiritual Renaissance.

‎528 is a vibration that resonates at the heart (the center or midpoint) of the electromagnetic color spectrum. It is the reason chlorophyll, and most of the botanical world, is greenish-yellow. 528, the Miracle 6 note of the original Solfeggio musical scale, is the reason organic chemistry is based on the C-6 (carbon six) hexagonal ring. The frequency 528Hz is fundamental to sacred geometry and, therefore, all physical reality. 528 is the fundamental force (i.e., creative hydroponic source) also reflected in water’s molecular structure -a tetrahedron-shaped pyramid. Alternatively, it explains why all snowflakes are six-sided hexagonal rings--like the “Star of David” (otherwise called “Solomon’s Seal”). Beyond its association with the House of David, and King David’s Miraculous history, it has been associated with Miraculous genetic repair of DNA.
I have advanced the great likelihood, therefore, that 528 is the “Key to the House of David” (Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 3:6-8). Heralded as an opening to the spiritual portal in these “End Times” that shall musically advance a change in people’s hearts (and heads) leading to a prophesied 1,000 years of world peace. (Now you know why I work day after day, sit up night after night, writing stuff like this.)~Leonard Horowitz

Monday, 16 August 2010

Egypt Retreat 24-30 October 2010

In October I'll be teaching a retreat in Egypt with sound healer Ashera Hart of UniPhi and I would love to share the information with you... Do feel free to contact me and ask questions about it...

UniPhi Yoga is a new innovative type of yoga which incorporates the use of the sacred sonic codes of the Zobet (solfeggio) together with the power of your own voice whilst practicing yoga to help take your body to a deeper level of unification within, all you need is the willingness to release old patterns and habits and be open to embodying the light/God self that you are. (your I AM presence)

The retreat will take place in South Sinai, Dahab, Egypt. There are many beautiful places to visit and with the Ancient Mysteries incorporated, it will be both an Enriching and Inspiring Experience. Egypt is known to be the throat chakra of our planet and working with sound and yoga in this part of the Earth will serve to reconnect any areas that have been disconnected, for our planet also, it is by no coincidence that more and more people are travelling and teaching in these Ancient places these days. Together we are bringing ourselves and our planet back to wholeness, completion, openness and unified as one tribe/family.

We will be working with the frequencies of 396 hz, 528hz and 111Hz incorporating the elements and chakra balancing energy work required to shift blockages, to transmute and harmonise and heal at a very deep cellular DNA level. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit/Consciousness unite to become Oneness...

In the process we learn to live consciously and in harmony, embodying the essence of each part of our being to regain balance and with a deep understanding, we accept the past and the dual polarity existence so that we can relate to others in a more authentic and truthful way and receive the love that is available for us on this Human journey.

The week-long UniPhi yoga retreat has been created to take you on a journey of self discovery and bring profound insights to deepen your essence and your relationship with yourself and others. The practice is designed to take us closer to the truth that connects us together and can heal us on a collective level.

The UniPhi Egypt retreat - link for further details www.infin8space.com/Egypt retreat

I am so looking forward to sharing this sacred retreat with you, and on the Wednesday we will have a Heart connection experience with the Dolphins and on Friday we will stay in the Desert, Bedouin-style and Ashera will take us through a light body and pineal activation using 528Hz, 396 and 111hz.
The whole week will be transformational and expansive and we will celebrate our lives and our relationships with abundance!
- It is so exciting to be working in this way now!
There will be the chance to bathe in the healing frequencies of sound healing chimes and have a group tuning fork attunement too.
There will also be delicious vegetarian food and lots of laughter. And there will be plenty of time for you to explore the surrounding area of South Sinai, Egypt.

The cost of the week is £396 and includes all practice, breakfast, yoga mats, desert trip and accommodation. Rooms are en-suite and the price is based on two sharing a twin room. Single rooms are also available upon request (at an additional cost)

UniPhi yoga empowering and awakening you to self mastery.
The power is within you!

Friday, 6 August 2010

UniPhi Yoga at the Festival of Life

Andrea and Ashera will be leading a short intro class at 4pm on the main stage at Festival of Life on 25 September 2010.

More information on the festival here and for the summary of talks go here.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Andrea and Ashera will be taking Uniphi Yoga to the Healing fields, Pilton for the 2010 Santosa gathering and will be teaching three, two hour workshops, from 23-25 August...

This is a gathering for everyone who loves yoga and/or kirtan, and wants to practice in a beautiful Somerset meadow,overlooking Glastonbury Tor, mid-way between Shepton Mallet and Pilton. (Directions are on our website).

It’s camping in a meadow doing yoga all day – clear pure space – alcohol and drug free – family friendly – no cliques – just friendly yogis from all traditions teaching in yurts and big bender and in the open air....

The full day programme funs from dawn til dusk and includes asana, pranayama, meditation, kirtan, yoga nidra, chanting and camp fires.
Teachers from all lineages including Ashtanga, Iyengar, Satyananda, Vini and Kundalini yoga; also Tibetan yoga, Kashmir yoga, Acro-yoga, partner yoga, Yin Yoga, kirtan, bhajans, dance ceremony, Shakti dance and more. Kids crafts, yoga, fun and games

Complementary therapists and healers working for donation (including Thai Yoga Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Shiatsu, head massage and lots more).

For more information about this yoga feast visit


Friday, 19 March 2010

Interview with Bruce H. Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit. He began his scientific career as a cell biologist and received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin's School of Medicine in 1973.

Dr. Lipton's research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering.

In our second interview with Bruce, we go beyond the Biology of Belief to look at the evolution of the species as a whole from information in his new book, Spontaneous Evolution. If each one of us is a community of trillions of cells, then how do we respond to the stimuli of our time as a global community?

Bruce is on fantastic form in this interview and gives a precise overview of his work in his usual enthusiastic style!

Interview with Bruce H. Lipton HERE

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Nature's rhythm yoga workshop

Thank you to all who attended the workshop on 13th February at Esporta

Hi Andrea
Just wanted to say thank you for the workshop on Saturday...I really enjoyed it.
It was something a bit different and certainly not anything I had done before...it was good to try it.
I really liked the yoga game and it was really good to do yoga nidra again.
Hope to come along another time..good luck with all your ventures!
Love Sally x

Hi Andrea
Thank you so much for your fantastic workshop on Saturday I really enjoyed it you are such a star it was brilliant.
Love Lisa

Next workshop will be on 10th April 2010 !

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Chandri-sOMa yoga has evolved

Since 2010 began, a story has been unfolding, its neither positive nor negative and yet has caused me to review where I have been and where I would like to focus for the upcoming months . On a personal level I have adopted a better diet which includes more fresh fruit and vegetables and soups and less of the lazy convenience food that are reached for when there is too little time available during the day. I am adjusting my sleep patterns to include fewer late nights and more early morning, and I am altering my attitude to the things that other people do or say with acceptance and tolerance. I can sense that I am more confident in creating my life and I am wincing less when I slip or if don't get it right at first attempt. I am honouring and congratulating myself for moving through barriers onto new ground, anything that comes about from old learnt habits I have decided to forget about, and instantly they are transmuted into healthy ways .
Another area I have questioned, and have been seeking guidance about, is the name that I use for the yoga classes that I teach. I felt Moon-Cycle yoga to be limiting for what it is that's covered in these sessions.

This weekend, 23/24 January, i attended the Opening to channelling course led by Solara which was marked with great presence. The whole event revolved around grounding our energy and then opening the higher chakras in order to receive the messages from higher guidance. This allowed for a real exploration of the inner realms, a place we may often turn to yet are surprisingly just as often unfamiliar with. Every now and then we are in need for some navigation skills for what seems to be unchartered territory. Some of what's channelled can seem a little odd - due to the conditioned boxed mind-set of what is acceptable by our societal standards. On this course I found myself going beyond resistance and simply allowing the emergence of the beautiful presence assisted by my own and everyone else's on the course... I was grateful for the gentle nudge from one of the guides that came through about changing the name Moon-cycle yoga to honour the divine feminine - the return of the Goddess, when I returned home that evening I channelled a new name to reflect my passionate aim - Chandri-sOMa yoga

Chandri is the Moonlight and Soma in Greek means bodily, Soma is also the lunar deity of the Hindus which also portrays the divine drink for the immortal soul and it is what the deities drink and what made them supreme.
On that note we are reminded that absolutely all that's needed in any moment, is to make our life healthier at every level.

29 July 2010 Update:

Chandri-sOMa Yoga has evolved to Nature's rhythm and UniPhi Yoga

Andrea has now co-joined with Ashera Hart of UniPhi in a harmonious venture to bring about Uniphi Yoga. Ashera is a professional singer with over 23 years’ experience in the music world and has been studying the healing power of sound with Jonathan Goldman, Chloe Goodchild, Chris James, Randy Masters.. She teaches that the frequencies of the Zobet correspond to the mathematics of creation and are a direct way of helping the body and your whole being align on all levels and they also help the body bring in a higher vibration particularly in preparation for the shift currently happening on the planet.

In these times for manifesting, Andrea and Ashera have come together to add the sacred geometry of sound to that of yoga asanas, this both improves the practice and yields a result that takes the body to a deeper level of unification within.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Creating a New Way - Rhythm and Circles Workshop

Internal flows - Rhythm and Circles Workshop
Saturday 13th February
2.00 - 4.00pm

Details: Introducting Zamu, an organic nutritional supplement from the Amazon. Free taster shots offered throughout the event will assist your energy and focus levels. Zamu preserves your inner being and the Rainforest at the same time. A 2 hr High Vibration Class led by Andrea will include free form dance, partnerwork, asana, pranayama, chakra balancing mantra and yoga nidra. During this session we shall acknowledge and infuse the universal energies that reach in and out of each one of us by tuning into these energies around the New moon. (The Moon in Aquarius)
Bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
£ 25

Why not make it a whole day of pampering? For those who wish to use the spa facilities add an additional £10 and arrive anytime in the morning. (£35)

Note: Food/ drink from the bar is at an extra cost.

Manor Road,
Repton Park,

Call: 07980 567 408

Creating a new Way.
Tranform your life, your relationships and the world.
Featuring ZAMU.

Guided by Andrea and Gavin Brown.

At this workshop you will gain insight that will lead you to cultivate the vibrant energy within you and recognize the unlimited fortifying energy that surround you and feeds your Soul. We will strengthen our mind, body and lifeforce with free form dance, asana, pranayama, chakra balancing mantra and restorative yoga nidra that will deeply nourish the soul.

Featuring ZAMU and Lluvia skincare from the Amazon Herb Company. Zamu offers for us to connect with the highest energy at a cellular level. Once you try it you will feel the difference.

The plant life from the Amazon is the most potent nutrition and energy
offered on this planet. With more than 250,000 species of plants
Growing in the Rainforest, herbs and fruits are grown in the
Most nutrient dense garden in the world. Come discover the
Difference of inner vibration, infused with the energetic
Intelligence of this Earth. Giving back to Save the Rainforest
Forever, is the bonus.

RSVP now. Limited space.

BIO: Andrea has been accredited as a Yoga Elder by the Independent Yoga Network and is a British Wheel of Yoga trained teacher. Being highly intuitive and in tune with Heart wisdom has enabled her to develop her own style of teaching that she now abides by and shares with others.