Each one of us has our own personal story that is seen being told through our physical body, our chosen lifestyle, developed habits and postural alignment. Our own intimate observation evolves us towards an undoing of all that is falsely blocking us from soul-full living.

We can tap into the qualities for our soul purpose and program the bio- circuitry of the body through physical posturing and movement. This discovery allows for a celebration of who we are. We can make both conscious choices for healthy balanced living and realign to create healthy self cords for ourselves. (the term Self Cord can also be looked upon as a definition of Yoga- union)

The dynamic sequences
and the static postures (held for a length of time) of Natures Rhythm yoga are based on the alignment of our whole being to the universal matrix that we are intimately part of.

Natures Rhythm yoga takes into account aspects such as:
- The Moon and its position for that day
- Mind and body detoxification
- Static and flowing and improvised movement
- The grounding of our creative light
- The fine tuning of the chakras using seed sounds and mantra
- The reconnecting resonance of Sacred Sound harmonic tubes
- Sacred silence. Meditation
And, the practice of Yoga Nidra which has been devised to bring into fruition the fullest expression of our unlimited potential.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Heart Chakra Track from "Mastering the 7 Spheres of Consciousness with Sacred Sound CD"

Only in our heart can we experience the feeling of peace in our body.
Only in our heart can we know our truth and what path to follow.
In the depth of our heart, we are never misled.
In our heart, we are not impressed with outer shows.
We touch our truth and the veils of separation and fear are lifted. We come to know the nature of our soul to be at peace.

I meditate on the pulse of peace in my heart.
I meditate on warmth of love in my heart.
I meditate on the vibration of joy in my heart.

In my heart I find my center.
In my heart I know my soul.
In my heart I know love.

And here's a track that will directly access your heart energy field... Heart Chakra Track from "Mastering the 7 Spheres of Consciousness with Sacred Sound CD "

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