Each one of us has our own personal story that is seen being told through our physical body, our chosen lifestyle, developed habits and postural alignment. Our own intimate observation evolves us towards an undoing of all that is falsely blocking us from soul-full living.

We can tap into the qualities for our soul purpose and program the bio- circuitry of the body through physical posturing and movement. This discovery allows for a celebration of who we are. We can make both conscious choices for healthy balanced living and realign to create healthy self cords for ourselves. (the term Self Cord can also be looked upon as a definition of Yoga- union)

The dynamic sequences
and the static postures (held for a length of time) of Natures Rhythm yoga are based on the alignment of our whole being to the universal matrix that we are intimately part of.

Natures Rhythm yoga takes into account aspects such as:
- The Moon and its position for that day
- Mind and body detoxification
- Static and flowing and improvised movement
- The grounding of our creative light
- The fine tuning of the chakras using seed sounds and mantra
- The reconnecting resonance of Sacred Sound harmonic tubes
- Sacred silence. Meditation
And, the practice of Yoga Nidra which has been devised to bring into fruition the fullest expression of our unlimited potential.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

"What I Am Thankful For" ~ Charity extravaganza ~

I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge the circle of life in this prayer of gratitude today. It's for a charity event called TweetsGiving and is strongly influenced by a Lakota Sioux prayer.... with love.

I am grateful to the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life and for the miracle of every breath that I take.
I am thankful for the minerals that maintain my bones and the herbs and plant that sustain my organs and body and heal in times of illness. I am grateful for the animals that offer both comforting and loyal companionship towards myself and all sentient beings.

With gratitude to my soul family that share my path as a soul on this journey and for the spirits that guide me invisibly through the ups and downs on this wheel of life and who continue to carry the torch of light through the ages. In gratitude for my relatives, for the love that brought me into and up this world.

And for the great love and respect residing within the wisdom of my Heart, for which I can cherish the winds of change, growth and expansion. I am so grateful for this Life. The Heart is the place were we co-exist, co-depend and go on co-creating our destiny together. We are all equally valuable, each one of us evolving from the other and yet each dependent on that which is above and below for wholeness. All of us a part of the great mystery.

This post was created as part of a global groundswell of gratitude called TweetsGiving. In conjunction with 12For12K, this celebration, created by US nonprofit Epic Change is an experiment in social innovation that seeks to change the world through the

power of gratitude. Join us http://tweetsgiving.epicchange.org/

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Creating a new way: setting an intention for the New Moon-cycle November 16 2009

I came to set my intention after reading the following note which basically summed up where I had been for the past... Umm well, probably most of my life! as far as i can remember. Having a Motherly Cancerian nature I have found it easier to care about others without thinking about what I am creating until i become too far involved and then its a challenge to back up. Hence the setting of intentions with each Moon-cycle offers the opening to review where i am each Month and then to move forward confidently with that which i become aware of and re-address...
So this little find was like a breath of fresh air to me.. A real AHA!!! inspiring moment.

Just be as happy as you can. Don't think about others. if you are happy, your happiness will help others. You cannot help, but your happiness can.

You cannot help-you will destroy-but your happiness can help. Happiness has its own ways of working-very indirect, very subtle, feminine. When you start working your energy becomes aggressive, and if you start trying to help others they will resist. They will resist unknowingly, because it seems as if somebody has the upper hand, and nobody wants to be liberated by anybody else. Nobody wants to be made happy by anybody else, because that seems to be a dependence, so a deep resistance comes in.

Simply don't be worried about it. That is the other person's business. You have done nothing to cause anybody else's problems. They have earned them through many lives, so they have to drop them. Just be happy, and your happiness will give others courage. Your happiness will give them impetus and a stimulation, a challenge. Your happiness will give them some idea of what it will be like when they say yes. That's


And so then my intention came to me effortlessly

I am walking forward fearlessly with faith in my Heart...
Trusting this process, I give myself acknowledgement and i see only the divine in You!! Now and in all ways - I love U ♥

Please share any intentions you made during this New Moon phase for our group members to read and be inspired also.. write here on the discussion board for Creating a new way: Setting intentions with the Moon-cycle http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=185850190208

All comments are useful
Thank you for creating a new way

Blessings Andrea

Monday, 5 October 2009

Creating a new way....

The first bold step to creating a new way is personal, it means to be aware of our own fears, and it is not found in analyzing the external causes. The bold step therefore is to quit being a "victim" - or to bully up to "the bad guy". The new way is to take responsibility for our own lives and projections, Only then will we collectively solve our common problems.

Being in our own power and in control of our own minds shakes the foundations of the current system. When we are no longer exploited, equity and decentralization of power are our gain. We are creating something new by each of us being challenged in our inner worlds to create new ways of thinking and feeling about ourselves, others and the planet.

We now have the opportunities and deeper understanding to create new ways of being and relating, our plans are made in terms of what we can ALL gain rather than what we might lose... Everyone must feel included and valued for their unique contributions. This is a requirement for creating a sustainable, peaceful and just world. Alienation breeds ill feelings, from explotation to terrorism. When we experience feeling connected and included we come to value our contributions and we come to know that we are part of the solution. Only then can we eagerly and creatively participate in laying the ground for a new future.

By being totally inspired and by realising that analyzing external causes just creates its own effect - which is basically getting stuck in our heady thoughts and wondering why and what we can do to fix that which cannot be fixed - so that sooner or later we will see how futile taking this action is. The battle rages within our own mind and healing the fears and insecurites for a better projected out look into our world... is the NEW WAY!.

Can we be with our fears? If we can then we will embrace and transform them. Are we owning our stuff and willing to release our fears and unforgiveness toward ourself and others now? This intention put into action will create the freedom from mind and simultaneously nurture our hearts wisdom for our flow towards self love and abundance for all.

Blessings to you all

Andrea Tteja

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Moon-cycle yoga classes - London E4 Area

I am really happy to now have a base set up at the E4 Studio. You may already know that the venue is warm, cosy and clean with plenty of space, it has a cushioned floor to work on too (not shown in these pictures) and that makes it really special.

The first Moon-cycle yoga class at the E4 studio goes ahead this Evening - and it's on time - as the Waxing Moon phase approaches, it is very appropriate for the surge of Universal energy at play right now... If you have been feeling any less than on top form, this class is energising as well as detoxifying. So bring yourself along and meet new friends in the joy of a heart based community...

The classes are for all abilities and there is an opportunity to sign up for the 12 weeks and receive one extra class free...

Here is whats on offer...

Wednesday 7 - 8.30 p.m Moon-cycle Hatha yoga

Sunday 2.30 - 5 p.m Internal-flow dance - On the second Sunday each month

The following weekly classes are now in place at the E4 Fitness & Leisure,
14 Hickman Avenue Highams Park London E4 9JG..

There is also a Moon-cycle Hatha yoga class held every Tuesday 6.30- 8 p.m
at the South Chingford Methodist Church, New Road, E4

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Facebook | Infin8space

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Time: 1:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: E4 Health and Fitness
Street: Hickman Avenue, E4 9JG
Town: Chingford, United Kingdom
Phone: 07980567408
Email: info@infin8space.com

Description I am happy to announce that Infin8space has now found a base to set up in at the E4 Health and Fitness Club.

Come and join in for the Free mini taster sessions of all that's on offer:

Mooncycle yoga,
Internal flow dance workshop,
Full and New Moon Meditations,
Yoga Nidra,
And more good things like the Organic Earth Drink Zamu taster showcase.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Open Day terms:
You must pre-book as places are limited Only 1 class per person
Everyone Welcome
Special Advance Booking Offers for those who attend

Class Times;

Introductory Open Day Mini Taster Sessions– each class comprises:

Mooncycle Yoga
Internal Flow Dance
Full & New Moon Meditation
Yoga Nidra
Q&A Session
Special Open Day Offer for pre-bookings taken before 19 September

Introduction to classes starting 20 September

Mooncycle Yoga
In life everything pulses, from the highest to lowest frequency everything is in motion. In each cycle there is a movement from empty to full, start to stop, positive to negative, from action to rest. Awareness of these cycles opens the doorway to master the art of surrender - letting go of the need to have control, we can learn to tune into these cycles and work with them rather than against them. The classes i teach follow the Moon's cycle and are based on a variety of both dynamic and static pos-tures as well as mantra and breathing techniques by which there follows a deep journey into the heart, where the body, mind and soul meet.

Internal flow dance
As the music progresses into lively upbeat tracks allow yourself to intuitively express creatively through your bodily movements... Key words are: Shake it out!... Cleanse, Purify, Surrender and Let go.

Friday night Hatha Yoga fitness and fun for teenagers, workout and chill to music, bring a friend special offers help keep price low

Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra (derived from Tantric tradition) is a powerful technique in which you will learn to relax consciously through a systematic method that induces complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Another name for Yoga Nidra is “Inner conscious relaxation” or “Conscious sleep” a state that you reach which is as deep as sleep, yet you still remain present, every part of you is made conscious and that is what makes relaxation complete.

Full & New Moon Meditation
There are two special dates to observe each month and these are the New Moon and Full Moon. The two weeks following the New Moon is the time to initiate or start new things in your life. The two weeks following the Full Moon is the time for the completion of things.


Venue: E4 Fitness & Leisure 14 Hickman Avenue Highams Park London E4 9JG 5 minutes walk from Highams Park Brit-ish Rail station

For directions ring E4 on: 0208 523 8523
To book classes ring Andrea on:07980 567 408

Regular class times come into effect from 20 September 2009
See the class timetable for updates at


Friday, 17 July 2009

Most of us are adept at seeing the big picture. Caught up in the hectic pace of modern life, we feel compelled to immediately distinguish what is important from what is not. The assessment is an easy one to make when we are mired in the daily grind—everything relating to success seems significant and everything else seems comparatively trivial. But what is most precious in this life cannot be measured in affluence or influence. The truly noteworthy events in our lives are often the least momentous yet the most wonderful. They are the magical moments in which we are simply awestruck by the wonderment of life. Though our perception of magical moments may be blocked by worldly concerns, our days are filled with such moments. To experience them fully, we need only open ourselves to their existence.

Magical moments are not measured by the composition of an experience but rather by our reaction to it. Since such moments come and go quickly, they should be consciously savored and noted. They stick with us only when we recognize the impact they have had on our mood, our day, and our lives. In such instances, we may find we are suddenly and blissfully aware that we have evolved or that those around us have changed in some positive way. We may stand in awe at the beauty of a familiar object or derive great pleasure from an everyday activity. Or we may witness incidents of supreme kindness and compassion that do not directly involve us yet touch our hearts intensely. Nature is a constant source of magical moments. When we cherish such occurrences, we condition ourselves to take note of them when they happen and appreciate the value they add to our lives.

An idea for increasing your awareness of the magical moments in your life is to record all such happenings in a journal kept for that purpose. As these moments are personal, your journal can be a documentation of small joys or a testimony of grand revelations. You may begin to notice that there is more magic in your life than you initially imagined. In striving to make the most of each of these magical moments, you grant yourself permission to experience new levels of joy, surprise, tenderness, and personal fulfillment.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Onwards and upwards

Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose." Wayne Dyer

Choose wisely for our Human family.

I want to be free.
I don't want any ready-made systems.
I am here to find within my being what belongs to me....
Only what is me can make me happy, can fulfill my life - Dharma

Our species is evolving on this planet, right now!!... I'm not going to say "New" as it is more of a "Return to Innocence" - I am shouting out a big YES!! to the disillusionment which is also our freedom.

We are merging into a whole new energy and we have to accept that we are responsible for everything we manifest. We are the the wise masters of the future and we have to teach in the future. That will be our task here on...
Ready!... and on we go!...

Thank you wise ones for all that you share

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Yoga Nidra at Greens Health and Fitness

The next workshop at Greens Health and Fitness - E4

Yoga Nidra (derived from Tantric tradition) is a powerful technique in which you will learn to relax consciously through a systematic method that induces complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.

DATE: Sunday 28 June 2008
TIME: 1pm - 2.30pm,
COST: £10

With a vegetarian buffet served at 2.45
Limited space, 25 people maximum.

Yoga Nidra describes the state where everything rests in itself, where you are neither carried away by outer influences nor occupied by thoughts, emotions or states.

Another name for Yoga Nidra is “Inner conscious relaxation” or “Conscious sleep” a state that you reach which is as deep as sleep, yet you still remain present, every part of you is made conscious and that is what makes relaxation complete.

Even if you do drift into a sleepy state, the experience of the instructions will raise your consciousness for a beneficial effect that you will notice afterwards

It is strongly advised that you wear warm loose comfortable clothing and bring a blanket/shawl for relaxation

A CD will be available to purchase for anyone wanting to develop a regular practise. On the Yoga Nidra CD you will hear the Bija mantras (seed sounds) that are associated with the main chakras/energy centers located at various points along the spine. The flute, chimes and ocean sounds used deepen the experience of Yoga Nidra.

Note: Yoga Nidra is essentially based on the teachings of Paramahansa Satyananda and the Tantric tradition.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

The Effects of Lunar Energy

Despite being 238,900 miles from Earth, the Moon affects us and our planet in many ways. Tides, for example, are known to be affected by the gravitational pull of the Moon. Water that faces the Moon is pulled towards it strongly; water which faces away from the Moon is pulled significantly less. Even the water beneath the Earth’s surface (groundwater that constitutes the water table) as well as water in plants and trees is affected by its position on Earth relative to the Moon.

Humans are three-quarters water. And like oceans and plants, we are affected by Lunar cycles. In addition to being watery, we are energetic beings. And since Full Moons are thought to be times of great energy, our vital energy (what is referred to as prana, or life force, in Yoga) is especially strong.

Full Moon is a time of upward movement, of feeling energetic, headstrong and even invincible. In contrast, apanic energy (the downward, grounding energy within the body) dominates at the other end of the Lunar cycle. As such, we feel more connected to the Earth during a New Moon. We’re more grounded, passive, and even lethargic.

Traditional asana sequences in Hatha Yoga are designed to balance apanic and pranic forces/movements within our bodies. In fact, each individual pose seeks similar balance by containing different degrees opposition — inward and outward rotation; inhalation and exhalation; grounding and reaching. During Full and New moons, however, prana and apana dominate respectively and can throw off such carefully crafted balances. Many yogis say, the more we practice and become sensitive to the energy within and around our bodies, the more important observing these cycles becomes.