Each one of us has our own personal story that is seen being told through our physical body, our chosen lifestyle, developed habits and postural alignment. Our own intimate observation evolves us towards an undoing of all that is falsely blocking us from soul-full living.

We can tap into the qualities for our soul purpose and program the bio- circuitry of the body through physical posturing and movement. This discovery allows for a celebration of who we are. We can make both conscious choices for healthy balanced living and realign to create healthy self cords for ourselves. (the term Self Cord can also be looked upon as a definition of Yoga- union)

The dynamic sequences
and the static postures (held for a length of time) of Natures Rhythm yoga are based on the alignment of our whole being to the universal matrix that we are intimately part of.

Natures Rhythm yoga takes into account aspects such as:
- The Moon and its position for that day
- Mind and body detoxification
- Static and flowing and improvised movement
- The grounding of our creative light
- The fine tuning of the chakras using seed sounds and mantra
- The reconnecting resonance of Sacred Sound harmonic tubes
- Sacred silence. Meditation
And, the practice of Yoga Nidra which has been devised to bring into fruition the fullest expression of our unlimited potential.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

"What I Am Thankful For" ~ Charity extravaganza ~

I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge the circle of life in this prayer of gratitude today. It's for a charity event called TweetsGiving and is strongly influenced by a Lakota Sioux prayer.... with love.

I am grateful to the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life and for the miracle of every breath that I take.
I am thankful for the minerals that maintain my bones and the herbs and plant that sustain my organs and body and heal in times of illness. I am grateful for the animals that offer both comforting and loyal companionship towards myself and all sentient beings.

With gratitude to my soul family that share my path as a soul on this journey and for the spirits that guide me invisibly through the ups and downs on this wheel of life and who continue to carry the torch of light through the ages. In gratitude for my relatives, for the love that brought me into and up this world.

And for the great love and respect residing within the wisdom of my Heart, for which I can cherish the winds of change, growth and expansion. I am so grateful for this Life. The Heart is the place were we co-exist, co-depend and go on co-creating our destiny together. We are all equally valuable, each one of us evolving from the other and yet each dependent on that which is above and below for wholeness. All of us a part of the great mystery.

This post was created as part of a global groundswell of gratitude called TweetsGiving. In conjunction with 12For12K, this celebration, created by US nonprofit Epic Change is an experiment in social innovation that seeks to change the world through the

power of gratitude. Join us http://tweetsgiving.epicchange.org/


  1. Cheers Cheers Cheers Andrea! Thanks so much for posting and for the lovliness of the post. Happy Tweetsgiving to you and long live your Infin8space!

  2. That was indeed lovely, thanks for posting!

  3. Thank you and Happy Thankgiving to you too!!

  4. You write so well, such beautiful thoughts you beam outward like the luscious rays of the sun..It is a wonderful pleasure to read your blog..Thank You for posting!!

  5. I am most thankful for the message of vegetarianism that has basically come ints great force from the east.
    All true environmentalists agree that this is the way to heal the starving planet as this plaent cannot sustain its self on a 3 planet diet.
    Then you can say you truly love animals, otherwise the love has no meaning.
    What we need to save this planet is people who mean hwat they say......Thank you for this understanding.
    Rich Higgins rhigginsdg2@yahoo.co.uk
